Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence

    • Guillaume Dujardin, Integral and differential calculus, 60h, L2 (mathematics & physics), Université Libre de Bruxelles

    • Stephan De Bièvre, Probability, 15h, L2 (physics), Université Lille 1

    • Stephan De Bièvre, Applied mathematics, 30h, L2 (physics), Université Lille 1

    • Stephan De Bièvre, Probability, 50h, L3 (mathematics), Université Lille 1

  • Master

    • Antoine Gloria, Elliptic regularity theory, 30h, M2, Université Libre de Bruxelles

  • Doctorat

    • Christopher Shirley, Decorrelation estimates for random operators, 4h, Gakushuin University, Tokyo


PhD supervision in the team:

  • PhD : Emilie Soret, Stochastic acceleration in an inelastic Lorentz gaz, Université Lille 1, June 30th 2015, Stephan De Bièvre & Thomas Simon (Lille 1)

  • PhD in progress : Mitia Duerinckx, Qualitative and quantitative aspects in stochastic homogenization of some PDEs, September 2014, Antoine Gloria & Sylvia Serfaty (Paris 6)

PhD supervision outside the team:

  • PhD : Manon Nys, Schrödinger equations with an external magnetic field: spectral problems & semiclassical states, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Università di Milano-Bicocca, September 11th 2015, Denis Bonheure (ULB) & Susanna Terracini (Torino)

  • PhD : Isabel Coelho, Boundary Value Problems for Some Curvature Operators, Université Libre de Bruxelles, June 20th 2015, Denis Bonheure (ULB)


Denis Bonheure was member of the jury of the PhD defence of Thuy Lien Nguyen (Université de Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier).

Antoine Gloria was in the jury of the PhD defences of Emilie Soret and Manon Nys.

Stephan De Bièvre was in the HDR jury of Dominique Spehner (April 2015, Institut Fourier, Grenoble).